Project: WP1 - Feasability studies
Author(s): Elizabeth Lindstad
Date: 26.06.2019
Elizabeth Lindstad
Manager, WP1 - Feasibility Phone:+47 92801521 Email:

Increased use of LNG might not reduce maritime GHG emissions at all

Report by Dr E. Lindstad

In the past, many studies have demonstrated different Greenhouse gas (GHG) impacts from the use of LNG. In theory, using emission and energy coefficients in combustion only, liquified natural gas (LNG) results in about 25% lower GHG emissions than diesel (MGO) or bunker oil (HFO). However, larger well to tank (WTT) emissions for the LNG supply chain as well as un-combusted methane (CH4) from the ship's engine might more than nullify any GHG gains. 












WP1 Feasability studies, WP3 Power Systems and fuels;, SP1 Fuels