SFI Smart Maritime has reached its final milestone.
SFI Smart Maritime has reached its final milestone.
Read about Centre's activities and achievements from 2015 to 2023 in the Final Report:
Final Report 2015-2023
Statement for SFI Smart Maritime Research Director, Trond Johnsen, SINTEF Ocean.
"After 8 years of exciting research and innovation, hard work and a lot of
enjoyable networking and collaboration, the time has now come to wrap up
SFI Smart Maritime with this final report. Here you will find some key facts
about the centre and it's activities, as well as a summary of our achievements
within education, research and innovation. We reflect on the centre's impact
for the partners and society, and also look forward towards a continuation of
the Smart Martime collaboration. As this final report only provides an
overview, you should look to the annual reports of the centre and the
published papers and reports for more details.
Looking back at the journey from 2015 till where we are today, I am extremely
proud of what the SFI Smart Maritime consortium has achieved. Great
candidates have been educated, so many high-level scientific papers has been
published and numerous innovations within the industry partners have
resulted in proven reductions of emission from shipping. Thanks to all centre
partners for your huge engagement and contribution over all these years, and
a special thanks to present and previous centre management team members."