Smart Maritime management team received members of the Board and the scientific Advisory Committee for 2 full working days in Trondheim on September 19 and 20.
Strategy meeting, September 19 2018
The purpose of this annual meeting between Management and Board was to present to the Board the progress at the Centre, and together prepare for the Midway evaluation of SFI Smart Maritime. The discussion included: assessment of the Centre's structure, research method and achievements so far; clarification of Smart Maritime goals and success criteria; priorities for the next phase of the Centre's funding period. The Board's recommendations will be summarised at the upcoming Network meeting on October 16 2018.
Scientific Advisory Committee meeting, September 20 2018
The third meeting with Smart Maritime Scientific Advisory Committee members - Prof Harilaos Psaraftis (DTU – Technical University of Denmark), Prof Osman Turan (Strathclyde University) and Prof Karin Andersson and Prof Rickard Benzow (Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg) and Prof Friedrich Wirz (TU Hamburg) - aimed at collecting feedback and advice on scientific progress.
The Board members were invited to meeting the Committee to present their perspective on the collaboration between industry and research at Smart Maritime. The second part of the meeting focused on scientific achievements. The assessment report from the Committee will form one part of the documentation to be submitted to the Norwegian Research Council and review panel of Midway evaluation later in 2018.
Scientific Presentations from the SAC meeting can be consulted here.
Strategy meeting, 19-09-2018, SFI Smart Maritime Management and Board (Trondheim).
Strategy meeting, 19-09-2018, SFI Smart Maritime Management and Board (Trondheim).
Joint dinner with SFI management, Board and Scientific Advisory Committee, 19-09-2018 (Trondheim).
Scientific Advisory Committee meeting, 20-09-2018 (Trondheim)