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Kick-off for project RuteSim - Simulation-based Weather Routing

Project partners gathered in Bergen at Grieg Star for a full day workshop to kick-start the research project and agree on the main building blocks of the planned decision-support tool.


Expanding the applicability of Smart Maritime ship performance simulator:

RuteSim is a spin-off project from Smart Maritime. The project will develop a decision support tool for weather routing by integrating advanced ship models developed in Smart maritime and detailed weather forecasts and innovative ocean current models. This will give ship operators higher precision and more transparency in weather route simulation.


About the project:



Simuleringsbasert ruteplanlegging - Rutesim





50% Norges Forskningsråd, program MAROFF
50% egenfinansiering

Project type

Innovation Projects for the Industrial Sector (IPN)




GRIEG STAR AS (adm. ansvarlig Roar Fanebust)


SINTEF Ocean (Agathe Rialland):




Grieg Star
Wallenius Wilhelmsen Ocean
Kristian Gerhard Jebsen Skipsrederi



Project summary:

The project RuteSim will develop a voyage planning tool that will raise the standard from traditional weather routing by combining validated ship simulators with detailed weather forecasts and innovative ocean current models. The tool will increase the precision of the calculation of key parameters such as fuel consumption, ship motion, sailing time, and by that it will give ship owners better decision support in voyage planning. The motivation behind RuteSim is three-fold:

1. To reduce fuel consumption and air emissions
2. To avoid damage of high value cargo
3. To improve the safety and working environment on-board

Today, the outsourcing of analyses and route calculations is a common practice, but reduce the possibilities to test alternative routes in-house. The new voyage planning tool will enable the testing of multiple routes, modifications of the route on the way to adapt to changes in weather or in the planned arrival time. The tool will also be used by the crew on-board to evaluate the route on a daily basis. 
The project will enable the utilisation of detailed domain knowledge from ship design in daily operations, thus contributing to a significant imprevement in competency and capabilities for fleet management. 


RuteSim will be based on an existing tool for simulation of ship operations developed through several years of cooperation between SINTEF Ocean and the Norwegian maritime sector, and acknowledge as a high adequate platform for the impelmentation of high standard voyage planning tool. 

In addition, state-of-the-art technology for ocean current forecasts developed by NERSC will improve considerably the validity of the route selection and establishment of new services with statistical extreme value analysis.


Project team:



Grieg Star


Wallenius Wilhelmsen Ocean

Agathe Rialland

Victoria Gribkovskaia

Jon S. Dæhlen

Endre Sandvik 

Trond Johnsen

Laurent Bertino

Johnny A. Johannessen

Roar Fanebust

Jan Øivind Svardal

Silje Monslaup

Øyvind Monsen 

Håvard Abusdal