There is currently one PhD Research Fellowship available at the Department of Marine Technology in the Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), as part of the SFI Smart Maritime.
The research objective for this fellowship will specifically be on methods and models for ship system integration and validation, primarily by developing a simulation environment for the virtual testing and benchmarking of new technology and design solutions. This will involve the integration of different physical domains and modeling regimes of hydrodynamics, power systems and service equipment in an operation context defined by transport logistics, marine operations and metocean behaviour. The output of the model is the ship´s lifecycle performance with respect to energy efficiency, operability and safety, both for service type vessels (offshore) and deep sea shipping.
The candidate will contribute to the overall development of the simulation framework, as well as develop in-depth research within one or several of the following specific areas:
* Methods for the mathematical modelling of the ship´s operating environment, including the stochastic modelling of metocean data, full scale measurements from operating vessels, and econometric modelling of relevant markets.
* Methods for the assessment of lifecycle performance measures for energy efficiency, operability and safety
* Methods for the efficient integration of vessel benchmarking and decision support methodologies as part of an early stage, industrial ship design process
* Framework architectures and component models for the integration of multi-domain, multi-fidelity models on a simulation platform
Further information about the fellowship and how to apply can be obtained here