Published -

October 2017

Welcome to the Smart Maritime Network meeting in Stjørdal, 17-18 October

Program and participant list available online

You will meet:
  • The SFI management team, to discuss with you research activity plan for 2018
  • Roar Fanebust, new coordinator for the Technical Advisory Committee, to exchange about industry partners' expectations and involvement in Smart Maritime research activity.
  • New team members Anna Ringvold (NTNU IndEcol, WP5), Jon Dæhlen (SINTEF Ocean, working on GYMIR), Jon Coll Mossige (NTNU PhD student, working on friction reduction, WP2)
  • Marianne Skånseng from Patentstyret, to discuss innovation and patents

Scientific discussion
  • Case results from the project SP7 Simulation based concept design will be presented, including feasibility studies and GYMIR simulations. This will serve as introduction to scientific discussion in the parallel sessions, highlighting the research need within power systems (WP3) and hydrodynamics (WP2) in order to improve the analyses done through feasibility studies and GYMIR simulations.
  • WP2 will host a parallel session on the topic of Added resistance due to waves, starting with background information on the need for research within added resistance (previous project SHOPERA) followed by a discussion on ongoing research on operations in waves.
  • WP3 will host a parallel session on two main topics: (1) hybrid power systems, and (2) fuels and abatements – and the need for further scientific documentation in order to cope with the uncertainties linked to the 2020 emissions regulations.  
  • A session on climate research will be led by WP5.


Research in progress

Fuel injection and combustion – Updates from PhD Candidate Vladimir Krivopolianskii

The focus in Vladimir’s research project lies on study of injection and combustion processes in marine diesel engine.  In order to apply non-intrusive optical methods and isolate diesel spay from complicated airflow inherent to a diesel engine a constant volume combustion rig is used […]  Read more

Added resistance due to waves – Updates from Post doc Renato Skejic

Renato is working with development of medium-fidelity computational methods for added resistance due to waves.  The ships behavior and their operational patterns in a seaway are strongly affected by the presence of the added resistance in a seaway […] Read more


New publications

Sulphur Abatement Globally in Maritime Shipping

Article by Lindstad et al. in Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, vol 57, des 2017.

The results indicate distillates as an attractive option for smaller vessels, while scrubbers will be an attractive option for larger vessels. For all vessels, apart from the largest fuel consumers, residual fuels desulphurised to less than 0.5 % are also a competing abatement option. Read the study



Best regards,

Smart_Maritime_Logo_Clr    sfibokmaalfarge (1)

Host: SINTEF Ocean - Marinteknisk senter, Otto Nielsens veg 10, 7052 Trondheim  • PO.Box 4762 Torgarden, 7465 Trondheim




Best regards,

Bilderesultat for smartmaritime logo        SFI logo

Host: SINTEF Ocean,  Otto Nielsens veg 10, 7052 Trondheim  • PO.Box 4125 Valentinlyst, NO-7450 Trondheim

