Research topic
The purpose of the Postdoc is to provide models of marine electric power plants suitable for design and optimisation of propulsion systems. This also includes measurements of losses of real equipment in addition to control studies.
Industrial goal
The goal of the study is to establish models of the marine electric power plants. Today there exist multiple models for power plants. However, their use case is often either to investigate dynamics or losses. The models should be complex enough to capture the most important dynamics of the system, while simple enough to be efficient in an early design phase.
Loss models of marine power plants are either very complex (finite element method) or just a fixed efficiency. The aim of the development is to bridge the gap between these two model types.
Foreseen innovation
The models of the power plant can be useful in further design of marine power plants. It has been shown that using fixed efficiency of equipment is not sufficient for DP vessels, as the
power demand is often very low. These models can therefore help further optimization of the powerplant for more economic and environmentally friendly operations.
Cooperation with industry partners
ABB has helped with testing of losses in the joint hybrid power lab, Rolls Royce has contributed with load profiles and models of components in marine power plants.
See summary of Torstein's Postdoc work presented at the Webinar on Hybrid Propulsion on March 13th 2018.