Simulator Approach to Concept Analysis and Optimization of Marine Power Plants
The primary objective of this work is to establish proper fuel cell system models for the marine sector, with sizeable, flexible templates for different fuel cell systems, besides analyzing the performance as a primary and auxiliary power supplier in a full-system ship simulator. The fuel cells’ characteristic as a solution for the maritime sector has to be investigated fully integrated with other power system components. The whole system evaluations can identify the challenges and propose proper solutions.
Scope of work
In this work, fuel cells are explicitly modeled for marine application with scalability, and power plants with electrical and mechanical components are developed to integrate with a vessel model. The flexibility in the configuration of the power system, power supplier sizes, and load sharing regarding the operation scenario in various environmental loads provides a comprehensive template for analysis of the fuel cells’ performance integrated with batteries and gensets. The PEMFC and SOFC models are developed and validated against the experimental test of an industrial fuel cell unit, which can be installed on board. The integrated vessel model from NTNU bond graph model library has seakeeping and dynamic position controllers besides the environmental loads. Furthermore, the low-level controller for the converter, power management system, and optimal energy management system is developed, which can comply with flexibility in size, configuration, and operations.
• Bond Graph Approach for Modelling of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell System (Conference-Published)
• Dynamic Modelling of PEM Fuel Cell System for Simulation and Sizing of Marine Power Systems (Journal-Published)
• System-Level Modeling of Marine Power Plant with PEMFC System and Battery (Journal-Published)
• Investigation of Hybrid Power Plant Configurations for an Offshore Vessel with Co-simulation Approach (Journal-under review)
• Simulation of Power Plant Configurations with Ammonia SOFC for an Offshore Supply Vessel (Journal-to be submitted)